Sunday, January 22, 2012

Animator vs Animation by Alan Becker (flash/swf)


Animator vs. Animation

by *alanbecker Flash / Animations   ©2006-2012 *alanbecker

Animator vs. Animation I

An animator faces his own animation in deadly combat.
The battlefield? The Flash interface itself. A stick figure is created by an animator with the intent to torture. The stick figure drawn by the animator will be using everything he can find - the brush tool, the eraser tool - to get back at his tormentor.
It's resourcefulness versus power.

Play Animator vs. Animation I   size: 1.27M

Who will win? You can find out yourself.

Animator vs. Animation II

The animator, looking for a challenge, decides to make the stick figure harder to beat. Little does he know exactly how much power he is giving to the little guy.
Long live The Chosen One! :D

Play Animator vs. Animation II   size: 4.07M

This took him five months.

Animator vs. Animation III

The final episode of the Animator vs. Animation trilogy.
The Chosen One from episode two is trapped inside the Animator's internet explorer in forced labor as a pop-up blocker. This segment follows his eventual escape onto Microsoft Word, Solitaire, Minesweeper, and the desktop.

Play Animator vs. Animation III   size: 6.47M

Made entirely in Adobe Flash.

To learn how to do something like this visit Alan's video tutorial channel: [link]


Thursday, January 19, 2012

ngobrol bareng soal Facebook Graph API

Kalo buat tetek bengek gono gini soal graph API-nya bisa di baca di Facebook Developers kan? Semua juga udah pada tau lah.., Yang mau diobrolin disini, cuman cara ngolah datanya aja, ya lumayan lah daripada lo manyun.

Cara buat manggil/request/ngirim/post/send/delete/whatever ke graph API itu yang paling gampang dimengerti katanya pake callback.   Apaan tuh callback gw juga gak ngarti wkwkwk.. XD ,, mending kita ikutan aja dah apa kata orang-orang :P (iya nggak?!).

Simple script buat SMS-an sama graph API

function taroskeunKaApi(uri){
  var sekrip=document.createElement('script'); 


Cara manggil/nyala'in/nge-eksekusi script diatas


Nah hasilnya tuh kaya gini.. (coba aja clik link diatas)

/**/ hasilNa({
   "id": "1095399460",
   "name": "Bara Patiradjawane",
   "first_name": "Bara",
   "last_name": "Patiradjawane",
   "username": "Pesbuk",
   "gender": "male",
   "locale": "en_US"

Sekarang tinggal ngolah data diatas biar jadi enak dimakannya

Pertama kita bikin dulu element/tempat buat nampilin pilem bokep tadi
<div id="laporan-hasil-kegiatan" style="min-width:300px"></div>
baru kita bisa mulai ngolah adonan datanya
function hasilNa(naon){
  var tulisLah='';

    tulisLah+='<img src="http://graph.facebook.com/'+naon.id+'/picture" style="float:left; margin:0 10px 0 0"/>';

    tulisLah+='<h3 style="margin:0">'+naon.name+'</h3>';


  if(naon.gender && naon.locale){
    tulisLah+='<div>seorang '+naon.gender+' berbahasa '+naon.locale+'</div>';

  tulisLah+='<div style="clear:both"></div>';


dan tampilan pun siap untuk disantap
(akan lebih nikmat jika dihidangkan bersama saos tiram)

- Gimana? -

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Facebook Stream Loader

A young boy named Max has an active imagination, and he will throw fits if others don't go along with what he wants. Max - following an incident with Claire (his sister) and her friends, and following a tantrum which he throws as a result of his Mother paying more attention to her boyfriend than to him - runs away from home. Wearing his wolf costume at the time, Max not only runs away physically, but runs toward a world in his imagination. This world, an ocean away, is inhabited by large wild beasts, including one named Carol who is much like Max himself in temperament. Instead of eating Max like they normally would with creatures of his type, the wild things befriend Max after he proclaims himself a king who can magically solve all their problems.
Load! Refresh
Mohon Tunggu Sejenak.. nak.. nak.. nak.. nak..
Nyalakan Mesinnya Sekarang!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Facebook Timeline Cover

Kabita ku Abah Oding mantan tukang bubur asal cianjur yang sekarang menjabat sebagai designer bajigur :D

Memang benar seperti apa yang telah diramalkan oleh sang Master sotoshop 7.0 itu; Insya Allah deudeuieun (pengen ganti mulu dan merasa ngga puas) wkwk.. tiasaan wae siakang eta mah.

Tapi yang jadi masalah buat saya, pas pertama kali nyoba susahnya minta ampun!!. Oke sekali berhasil, tapi kan katanya tea sok deudeuieun :D, pas keduanya cape juga sih mesti ngukur-ngukur pixel satu-satu,, waduh,, pegel!

Aha..!,, untunglah ada kenalan saya yang menyarankan untuk berobat ke kelinik cang-ciang!,, setelah TIGA KALI berobat sekarang ... saya pake PhotoShop Actions. Emang masih ribet sih pertama bikin actions nya doang, tapi setelah jadi, actionsnya bisa dipake berulang-ulang :).

Photoshop Actions Tutorial
Membuat Action Dengan Photoshop
Download: (PhotoShop®CS2 Actions)
  1. Membuka jendela Actions: Alt+F9
  2. Buka gambar, utak-atik utak-atik,
    kalo udah kenyang, pilih action Crop pp dan play..
  3. Save ke-2 file hasilnya dengan format JPG terus Upload dah,, di-en.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Nyoba ngBongkar plugins Facebook Comments

Facebook's Comments Box Tags
<fb:comments href=""></fb:comments>
Blogger Template Tag
<fb:comments expr:href='data:post.url'></fb:comments>
Blogger HTML/JavaScript Widget
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write('<fb:comments href="'+window.location.href.split('?')[0].split('#')[0]+'"></fb:comments>')

Facebook's Comments Box Attributes
<fb:comments href="" width="400" num_posts="3" colorscheme="dark"></fb:comments>
URL halaman site or blog
upgrade dari versi dulu
(Note: if you are upgrading, you should not specify the href parameter.)
lebar comments box in pixel Minimum recommended width: 400px
maximum limit komentar yang ditampilkan Default: 10
theme warna yang dipake dark atau light

Administer Meta Tags (apa itu meta tag?)
Personal/By Ids
<meta property="fb:admins" content="userID,userID,userID,.."/>
All administrators of the App
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="applicationID"/>
Comment Moderation Tool: http://developers.facebook.com/tools/comments

Access the number of comments
<fb:comments-count href=""></fb:comments-count> awesome comments

Comment PopUp Link
<a href="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/comments.php?href=" onClick="javascript:window.open(this.href, 'bloggerPopup', 'toolbar=0,location=0,statusbar=1,menubar=0,scrollbars=yes,width=500,height=650'); return false;">Comment with facebook</a>
Blogger Template Tag
<a expr:href='"http://www.facebook.com/plugins/comments.php?href=" + data:post.url' onClick='javascript:window.open(this.href, "bloggerPopup", "toolbar=0,location=0,statusbar=1,menubar=0,scrollbars=yes,width=500,height=650"); return false;'>Comment with facebook</a>
Blogger HTML/JavaScript Widget
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write('<a href="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/comments.php?href='+window.location.href.split('?')[0].split('#')[0]+'" onClick="javascript:window.open(this.href, \'bloggerPopup\', \'toolbar=0,location=0,statusbar=1,menubar=0,scrollbars=yes,width=500,height=650\'); return false;">Comment with facebook</a>')

Comment permalink

Access comments via the graph API

Monday, January 2, 2012

Facebook Wall Cleaner (Beta Version)

Nothing is fun until you're good at it.

it would likely not cause you any harm if You may want to Read This First? ..

In a nutshell, the aim of a bug report is to enable the programmer to see the program failing in front of them. You can either show them in person, or give them careful and detailed instructions on how to make it fail.

If they can make it fail, they will try to gather extra information until they know the cause. If they can't make it fail, they will have to ask you to gather that information for them.

When you report a bug, you are doing so because you want the bug fixed. There is no point in swearing at the programmer or being deliberately unhelpful: it may be their fault and your problem, and you might be right to be angry with them, but the bug will get fixed faster if you help them by supplying all the information they need.

Remember also that if the program is free, then the author is providing it out of kindness, so if too many people are rude to them then they may stop feeling kind. :)